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Maintenance Notice:

The San Francisco Superior Court will conduct system maintenance from February 15 to February 17, 2025. This maintenance will temporarily impact the Case/Calendar Query, Tentative Rulings, Traffic Citation Payments, and Traffic School Enrollments features.

Restraining Orders - Civil Harassment

Notice of Changes

There has been a change to the civil harassment and default prove-up calendars, effective January 23, 2023.

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What is a Civil Harassment Restraining Order?

It is a court order that helps protect people from harassment. Civil Harassment Restraining Orders are different from Family Law Domestic Violence Restraining Orders in that the person harassing is not for people who have dated or who are closely related.

A person may seek protection if you are worried about your safety because you are being:
  • stalked
  • harassed
  • sexually assaulted
  • threatened
  • or there have been acts of violence against you

by someone with whom you do not have an intimate or familial relationship with, such as a neighbor or roommate, great-grandparent, great-grandchild, niece/nephew, aunt/uncle, cousin, classmate, etc.

What Forms Do I Need?

Complete a Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (CH-100) and make three copies.  A Confidential CLETS Information (CLETS-001) form, the Notice of the Court Hearing (CH-109), and the Temporary Restraining Order (CH-110) should also be completed, but you do not need to make copies of these completed forms before filing. 

Where Do I File My Forms?

Present completed forms and copies to the new filings clerk in Room 103 of the Civic Center Courthouse.

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More Information

An order is required to appear by ZOOM. You must present a completed Dept. 505 Zoom Appearance form to the subsequent filing clerk in room 103 at 400 McAllister Street before your hearing date. CLICK HERE FOR DEPT. 505 ZOOM APPEARANCE FORMS.

If you will need an interpreter at your Restraining Order Hearing, tell the clerk in Room 103 when you file your restraining order forms so that one may be arranged for you.

If you (Protected Person) allege no violence in the petition, there will be a filing fee (please see the Statewide fee schedule for current fees) or you may qualify for a fee waiver.

If petitioner alleges violence in the petition, there will be no filing fee, however, if your request is denied by the Judge, you will be expected to pay the filing fee upon pick up of your order.

Orders can be picked up the following business day in room 103 at any of the new filing windows. Please have your case number or receipt to assist the clerk with retrieving your paperwork. 

Please pick up your order promptly to allow enough time to have the defendant(s) served with the Temporary Restraining Order and Notice of Court Hearing.

You can choose one of three ways to serve the defendant:

  1. You can go through the Sheriff’s Department (located in City Hall, Room 456 on the 4th Floor), or any law enforcement officer.
    There is a fee unless you have a granted fee waiver to go through the Sheriff’s Department.
  2. Any person who is at least 18 years old and is not a party to the action can serve the defendant on your behalf. Make sure the person fills out the Proof or Personal Service (CH-200)
  3. Hire a process server. You can find one online by searching in a web browser for "process server." Make sure you get the completed Proof of Service form from the process server.

A Proof of Service must be completed and signed by the person who serves the other party. You must file the Proof of Service in Room 103 and bring a copy to your court hearing.

There are two ways you can continue your court date on your Civil Harassment case.

If you were not able to serve the defendant, you will need to request the Court to reissue the temporary restraining order. This request is made by completing the Request to Continue Court Hearing (CH-115) and the Order on Request to Continue Hearing (CH-116). The forms must be completed and filed along with a copy of your prior Temporary Restraining Order (CH-110), a minimum of two days before the date of your scheduled hearing.

You also may orally request a continuance in Court during your hearing. If your request for continuance is granted, the Judge will sign an Order on Request to Continue Hearing (CH-116) form and set a new hearing date.

Both methods extend your Temporary Restraining Order so you will be protected until the new hearing date.

The Self-Help ACCESS Center can show you how to fill out the forms you will need, explain the filing process, and help you prepare for Court.

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