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CEQA Department

Case Calendars

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Case Calendar

CEQA – Procedures

Department 606 CEQA Staff:

  • Attorney: Saman Minapara
  • Clerk: Jacqueline Alameda
  • Clerk Phone: 415-551-3703
  • Dept. 606 E-mail:
  • CEQA Motions and Case Management Hearings: Mondays at 1:30 pm.
  • CEQA Writ Hearings: Date Determined by Court. Appearances are required via Zoom or In-Person.  

Communications with the Court and Reserving Hearing Dates:

  • All motion hearing dates must be reserved with the clerk of CEQA Department 606 prior to filing. Parties may not file a motion without the court’s approval of the hearing date and time.
  • Please use the CEQA Department 606 email to communicate with the clerk: Department606_CEQA The emails must include all counsel. Ex parte communications with the Court will not be considered.
  • The Department606_CEQA address is used for administrative purposes only. Counsel and self-represented parties should not include legal argument or threads that include communication among counsel.

Hearings, Appearances, and Court Reporters:

  • Counsel and self-represented parties may appear for hearings in person or remotely. Remote appearances must be made via Zoom.
  • The ZOOM link for all cases is:

         Meeting ID: 161 690 8732

        Passcode: 377652

  • No later than one court day before the hearing, during business hours, counsel must send one, joint email advising the clerk by email of the (a) attorney(s) who will appear in person (please list name, firm, and party affiliation) and (b) attorney(s) who will appear remotely, including name, firm, party affiliation, and method of remote appearance (ZOOM).

Court Reporters:

  • The court does not provide court reporters for hearings. 
  • The court recommends that the parties obtain court reporters for substantive motions.
  • One court day before the hearing, the parties must email the clerk with the name, phone number, CSR number, and email address for the court reporter and indicate whether the reporter will appear in person or remotely. When the reporter is participating via Zoom, the parties must confirm that they provided the Zoom link.

Courtesy Copies:

  • Counsel and self-represented parties must deliver two paper courtesy copies of all e-filed documents (e.g., joint case management statements, motions, oppositions, replies, etc.) to Department 606.
  • Counsel must email electronic courtesy copies of proposed orders—in both Word and PDF format—to Department606_CEQA with e-filing and must deliver one courtesy copy to Department 606.


  • The e-filing vendor for the San Francisco Superior Court Complex Department is File&ServeXpress. Counsel must register with and submit all filings through said vendor.  Counsel must also add themselves to the vendor’s e-service list.  Customer Service for e-filing registration, training information, and service list assistance can be found at or by calling File&ServeXpress at 888-529-7587. Counsel and/or their staff shall not email the Department 606 inbox regarding processing filings or other matters appropriately directed to customer service for File&ServeXpress.
  • All court orders will be e-served through File&ServeXpress.  All counsel must add their office to the ELECTRONIC service list at File&ServeXpress.
  • Pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 1010.6, California Rules of Court, rule 2.251 et seq., and San Francisco Superior Court Local Rule 2.11, all discovery requests and responses, not filed with the court, must be electronically served, unless it is not feasible to do so (e.g., drawings, charts, etc.).
  • Evidence filed electronically, including (for example) PDF compendiums of evidence for summary judgment and class certification motions, shall be bookmarked and hyperlinked.


  • If the parties agree to continue a motion or a CMC, the parties may (1) submit a stipulation and proposed order; or (2) email the court (copying all parties) at least three court days prior to the scheduled matter requesting a continuance, proposing three alternative dates and times for the motion hearing or conference, and indicating that all parties agree to the continued date/time. The parties should also deliver one courtesy copy to the inbox for Department 606.

Hearing Date Vacated by Party:

  • If a moving party removes a motion from the court’s calendar (either on its own, or by submitting to the court’s tentative ruling on the motion), the party must email the department and copy all other parties.
    • The court will not typically issue an order vacating motion hearing dates.
    • Please do not copy the court on any e-mail correspondence between the parties on vacated hearing dates.
    • The moving party must file a formal notice of withdrawal. The parties should also deliver one courtesy copy to the inbox for Department 606.

Ex parte applications:

  • Most ex parte matters will be addressed on the papers, where a hearing is necessary the court will hear the matter on Mondays at 1:30pm via Courtcall.
  • Parties must contact the CEQA clerk by phone: 415-551-3703 to inform the court of the proposed day/time for making an appearance.
  • Any party seeking ex parte relief shall file their ex parte application and e-mail a courtesy copy, including the proposed order—in both PDF and Word formats—to The party should also deliver one courtesy copy to the inbox for Department 606.

Tentative Rulings:

  • When the court considers it useful, the court will issue tentative rulings. 
  • Tentative rulings will be emailed directly to counsel before the hearing.

Case Management Conferences and Statements:

  • Before the initial case management conference, the parties are ordered to comply with California Rules of Court, Rule 3.750(d) and to meet to address the items in California Rules of Court, Rule 3.750 (b).
  • After the meeting, at least five court days before the initial case management conference, the parties may submit a joint case management statement identifying those issues in California Rules of Court, Rule 3.750 (b), which are agreed upon and those which the court must rule on at the conference. The statement should provide a description of the major factual and legal issues pursuant to California Rules of Court, Rule 3.750(d).
  • For all subsequent case management conferences, the parties must meet to discuss and attempt to resolve the issues to be addressed at the CMC. Then they must file a joint case management conference statement identifying those issues agreed upon and those which must be decided and deliver one copy to Department 606, no later than five court days before the conference. 
    • If the parties fail to file a timely joint case management conference statement, the CMC may be continued.
  • Unless ordered by the court, case management statements shall not exceed 15 pages, excluding exhibits, without Court approval.
  • CMC statements are not advocacy statements. They are an agenda for a discussion. CMC statements should explain where the case is, where it is going, and how it can most efficiently reach its destination

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